In a Sea of Mindset Coaches, Just Call Me Maverick

My approach is anything but the status quo 

I’m here to help you defeat the limiting beliefs holding you back, both personally and professionally. 


Because just like you, I’ve been there—trapped in a cycle of doubt, overthinking, and a deeply ingrained fear of judgment.

What Happens Here?

At LevelUp Life & Co., you don’t just get pep talks; you get transformational tools. We merge faith and neuroscience to achieve lasting change. You’ll walk away not only with a stronger mindset but also with actionable steps to amplify your life and business, tailored to the unique person God created you to be.

Hi! I’m Nicole, the Founder of LevelUp Life & Co. 

Welcome to the place where you can finally break free and step into your truest self.

Yet, the corporate ladder felt more like a cage. That's when I realized: it’s not about fitting into a role; it’s about creating one that fits you.

But even then, entrepreneurship wasn’t a smooth ride. Launching my business unleashed a storm of self-doubt and fear. And here’s the kicker—I couldn’t escape it on my own. I needed real strategies, not just motivational quotes.

So, I invested in personal development, and I hit the reset button on my mindset and life by profoundly changing the ways I prayed, leaned into a deeper relationship with Jesus, and learned how the all the ways I was holding myself back was due to disempowering past experiences stuck in my brain and affecting my mindset.

Once I overcame it all and was able to show up as who God created me to be in every moment, I felt God calling me to help others do the same...

My unique way to use my God-given abilities and talents to help you unleash your own. And I’m here to help you take that next step with confidence. 

My Transformation Journey—Why It Matters to You

Before becoming a Certified Mindset Coach, I was a Regional Director of Operations for a multi-million dollar company.

Expert Guidance: I’m a certified Mindset Coach, who's studied for years to learn how our brains work and how to safely let go of years of negative thinking and unsupportive habits.  I have the expertise to help you recalibrate your life.

Faith-Based Approach: With a strong foundation in faith and scripture I provide you with a spiritually enriched roadmap to success.

Proven Results: I’ve walked this path and witnessed firsthand how empowering it is to shatter limiting beliefs. I'm living proof that lasting transformation is more than possible.

Why Work with Me as Your Mindset Coach?

Your Next Steps

Ready to finally live the life that’s been waiting for you? To strip off the labels and societal expectations that have kept you from shining your light?

Let’s get you started on this transformative journey.

Book a free compatibility call with me and let’s unveil the authentic YOU—the you the world's been waiting for.

I’m so thrilled to guide you through this life-altering journey.

With love and light,


Break free and embrace your limitless self


The beauty of this journey is that when you let go of being anything less than who you are, you get to be exactly who and what you're meant to be!


The LevelUp Method 1:1 Coaching

Transformation Breakthrough Session

- A four month transformative journey of personalized guidance and mentorship

Twelve 90 minute sessions

- Daily support & accountability with an actionable blueprint for success that’s grounded in faith and science

- A 90-minute a la carte session of profound shifts and life-changing breakthroughs where we shatter the barriers that have been holding you back and step into
your limitless potential

-24 Hours of Voxer and/or email support the day after your session

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